Dr . S Radhakrishnan as a prose writer •Prose style of Dr. S Radhakrishnan Skip to main content

summary of Rabindranath Tagore's poem ' Upagupta '

                     Rabindranath Tagore is a myriad minded man and a relentless spokesperson of humanity. His poetic genius surpasses the barriers of space and time. He has given Indo Anglican poetry a new dimension- 'prose-poem' making a solid technical achievement in his powerful manipulation of free verse form and poetic prose.           Rabindranath Tagore's poem, ' Upagupta ' is the translated work of his bengali poem named 'Avisara' ( অভিসার )  . Upagupta leads ascetic life renouncing the luxury and hedonistic pleasure and travels from one town to another. He is one of the disciples of Lord Buddha. The poem opens with the description of a day of August with ' murky sky ' which made the people to stay indoors , turning out the lamps. In this rainy night, Upagupta sleeps in the dust near the city wall of Mathura. Suddenly his sleep is disturbed by the feet of a lustrous city woman . He does no...

Dr . S Radhakrishnan as a prose writer •Prose style of Dr. S Radhakrishnan

Dr. Radhakrishnan, the renowned philosopher, is a front rank writer. He has immensely influenced the western thinkers by virtue of his deep and profound thoughts, flawless expression, matchless perfection of style and oratorical force. His books and speeches have been translated into French, German and many other European languages. Many celebrated writers have written books and articles on Dr. Radhakrishnan. On his sixtieth birthday a souvenir, entitled Radhakrishnan : Comparative Studies in Philosophy, was presented to him. It includes the contributions of great writers like E. A. Burtt, Charles A. Moore, K. J. Spalding, H. H. Dubs, P. T. Raju and Humayun Kabir. C.E.M. Joad has highly admired Dr. Radhakrishnan's efforts of the synthesis of Eastern andWestern thoughts.

As a writer his main aim was to present an objective and disinterested analysis of Indian thought and philosophy before the West.He has given to the Western world an interpretation of Indian thought and aspiration that is vivid, vital, gripping. He has treated his subject with admirable clarity and excellent judgement. In his famous books The Hindu View of Life, Indian Philosophy, An Idealist View of Life, East and West etc. Dr. Radhakrishnan has tried to present to the modern world the thoughts of the ancient Indian philosophers in a systematic way. Rabindra Nath Tagore once remarked that his book An Idealist View of Life is "one of the most original and significant contributions to modern thought." According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, religion which is essential for the redemption of the modern man, has always been the master passion of the Hindu mind, a lamp into its feet and a light unto its path, the presupposition and basis of its civilization the driving force of its culture, and the expression-in spite of its tragic failures,inconsistencies,divisions, and degradations-of its life in God. In the West, even in the most sympathetic quarters, Hindu thought is in general a subject for respect, but in every sense distant homage, not of living concern.

Spirituality implies the greatness of soul. He writes in Kalki, "The essence of all spirituality is the greatness of soul which is unconquered even in overwhelming catastrophe. The strong in spirit are superior to the world which they have conquered. They can speak the truth under a shower of bullets and refrain from reprisals even when they are literally crossed." Dr. Radhakrishnan's central teaching is that the spiritual should be given primacy. Reason and humanism, science and man should be explained in the light of the spirituality. 

Simplicity, lucidity and spontaneity are the outstanding characteristics of Dr. Radhakrishnan's prose style. Words flow from his pen as effortlessly as birds sing at dawn. He expresses deep and profound thoughts in simple and clear language. In order to convey his thoughts to the reader's mind clearly, he chooses the simplest words. He never hides his meaning under the empty pomp of high sounding words. He carefully avoids pedantic expressions and archaic words. He chooses appropriate words from a rich stock. He observes the rules of purity and propriety of the use of words and phrases, and clearness and unity in the structure of sentences. His style is correct in construction and perspicuous in meaning. It requires no effort to be fully understood. 

The force and vehemencia Dr. Radhakrishnan's style are enhanced by its oratorical and prophetic tone. A man of wide and profound learning, an intellectual, cherishing the vision of the unity of the world, and apostle of peace and religion, Dr. Radhakrishnan is fervent and brilliant. Both his judgement and imagination are vigorous. His works have a mangnetism of their own. He was a brilliant orator who presented his views on religion, society life, world peace in a highly convincing and persuasive manner. The oratorical force and brilliance have passed into his style. 

Radhakrishnan's style bears the imprint of his profound scholarship, sharp and penetrating intellect, religious attitude, and philosophical vision. His prose style is the finest specimen of the elevated style in Indo-Anglian literature. In his style originality and sublimity of thought are combined with a calm and powerful feeling. The words and ornaments he employs are admirably adapted to convey his feelings and sentiments. As a stylist, Dr. Radhakrishnan holds a high place in Indo-Anglian prose. It bears the indelible imprint of his vogorous and well-disciplined mind.
